
mom's gone fishin'

Yesterday Grant wanted to go fishing, so I said, "call grandpa." But, grandpa was out of town for the day. That was the end of the fishing bug until this morning when Grant asked to call grandpa. I knew that since my dad was out of town yesterday, he would probably be busy today trying to catch up on work. So, I said, "Grant, I'll take you!" Hmmm, after a bit of discussion, Grant finally decided that I would suffice!!

We get down to the pond, and the first fish we catch SWALLOWED the hook. Now what? I look down the fish's throat and I can't even see the hook, I have no scissors to cut the line and the boys are saying, "please, mommy, don't hurt it. OHhh, it's bleeding!! Don't hurt it!" So, I lay it on the ground, give myself a little line and rip the line apart. Poor fish, I had to throw it back into the pond with a hook in it's stomach and about a foot of fishing line hanging out it's mouth.

On to the next fish. We wait and wait. Grant has now moved on to throwing big rocks into the water. Cole sits by my side and holds the pole. We catch another fish. Grant comes to pet it and is back to rock throwing. Cole waits on another fish and after a while joins Grant.

"Ok, boys are we ready to go home for lunch?"

Grant: "No mom, you can catch more fish!"

I go back to fishing. By myself. The boys are now in the creek stomping through the water.

"Are we ready for lunch now boys?"

Grant: "No. Not until you get another fish."

I decide I have had enough. Next time grandpa can take them!


The gFamily said...

You seriously get mom of the day award! Can you take my boys with you too next time?? :)

Amy said...

I'm so impressed! What a fun mom you are! I'm not a big fan of the whole "getting the fish off the hook" thing either.

Traci said...

Fishing as a kid scarred me for life. It's one of the major reasons I'm a vegetarian-- watching my dad chop the heads off fishing and scooping out their insides with that gross fishing knife. I will never touch a fish. I will never try to take a hook out of fish mouth. Good for you.