
a girl called our house today

It's official. For the very first time, a girl called our house and asked to talk to one of MY sons!!! A little girl in Grant's class called him. She wanted nothing, really. It wasn't much of a conversation, but I was cracking up the WHOLE time! He just kept looking at me with a face that was expressing "why in the world did she call me???!!!?" Before I knew it they were done talking. Hmmm. Let's hope this doesn't happen again for another 10 years.


it finally happened!

Grant has waited 6 1/2 years for his first tooth to come out. . .and finally it came! We are used to a lot of fussing with his big brother when it is time to pull a tooth out, so it was extremely pleasant to have a kid who was willing and ready to have his tooth pulled. When it was over he said, "that's it? it's out?" Now he is anxious for the next 2 loose teeth to be loose enough to pull!


five. celebrated.

So the cake is, um, different!! This is the character called "boo" from Mario. I think Cole picked it because we call him "boo"??? anyway--uncle brett decorated it for him and he LOVED it!

We continued on the celebration today with family--grammie and papa made a visit from Springfield and of course, what would a celebration be without cousins. . .and Aunt Lisa {we missed you Uncle Joe!}, Uncle Brett, our new special friend Christina! and grandpa and grandma! Thanks everyone for sharing in this special day!

It was great fun to spend some time together. . .we all went to see both Luke and Grant play basketball games and then celebrated Cole's b-day at our house for dinner